What is your favorite cereal?
I have two favorites actually, Cocoa Krispy’s and Quaker Old Fashion Oats, the hot stuff!  

Mountain hideaway or beach house? Why?
Beach House, nice constant ocean breeze, constant warm temps and always access to fishing, so that I will never starve of course. 

Summer, fall, spring or winter? Why?
Fall, I love the temperature and the colors of Fall. 

Do you have a special talent?
I can upholster furniture and I can sew with an actual sewing machine! 

How long have you been with Mr. John?
Since July 2011 with a hiccup in the middle. 

What is your position at Mr. John?
Route Driver 

What is your desired position at Mr. John?I would like to have Chris’s job and look forward to a new challenge and a new adventure every day. 

Favorite Mr. John memory?
The morning chats between the drivers in the break room. Especially the time we attached Bob Kramer’s assisted walking device to his truck. 

What is your craziest portable toilet story?
The homeless guy that lived in the toilet. Week after week he just wouldn’t get out so I finally had to get him out….. Just helped him out a bit. From then on, he always left when my truck pulled up. 

What is the oldest item you own?
A 1920 Koken Barber Shop Chair 

Do you like your name? Why?
Yeah I do, it’s different than most normal male names. 

Do you know how you got your name?
It was passed down in our family, it was my fathers, my grandfathers and my great grandfathers! 

What do you do when you are driving alone in a car?
Think way TOO Much! 

If you had to pick one place in your town to bring a tourist, where would you go?
Fineview on the Northside, for its different view of the city. 

What is one food that you will not eat?
Liver, ugh and broccoli. 

Describe a time when you wanted to quit, but didn’t.
When I first got married we just struggled a lot and I refused to throw in the towel like most people do and now that is the best decision I ever made! 

Is competition good for you?
Yeah, I look forward to the challenge of the opponent so I can squash them like a bug in a rug! 

What is something you learned in school that you think is useless to you today?

If you could become a character in a TV show or movie, who would you chose to be?
There are a few, I watch a lot of tv when I am home but I would have to go with………Rick Dale from American Restorations because he restores a lot of different items to their original condition. Just to have that talent to do that would be awesome. Absolutely gorgeous stuff! I used to do that for a while. 

What is your favorite outside activity?
I just love being outside and enjoying the moment! Summer, winter, rainy day, doesn’t matter. 

What is your favorite sport? Do you play or just watch?
I have three of them, soccer, hockey and baseball. I have never played hockey but I will play soccer or baseball any day of the week. 

Do you play an instrument?
Nope, if I did it would be a piano….always wanted to learn that. 

What is your favorite song?
Imagine by John Lennon. My Way by Frank Sinatra. 

If you had to evacuate your house immediately, what is the one thing you would grab on the way out?
My dog; my wife and kids would be out already. 

What is the main thing that makes you unique?
I try to dance to a different drummer every day of the week. 

My dream job is…..
A Fighter Pilot! I just want to blow sh*t up!